Friday & Saturday Sessions

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Friday - Dunvegan Inn & Suites

12:30pm Registration 

1:00pm Welcome & introductions

Who are we and who are you?

1:30-5:30pm Keynotes & Panel Discussions

Learn from the pros and ask all the burning questions!

5:45-11:00pm Supper & Date With a Demo: 

We’ll move to the DMI Pub for a catered supper, then get ready for Date with a Demo!

Date With a Demo: It’s your time to be heard. Your song will be selected at random, and our panel will provide you with feedback.  Even if you do not have a song to submit, the conversation around the songs are invaluable for all delegates. We will keep going until all songs submitted have been heard!

Saturday - Northwestern Polytechnic, Fairview Campus (Atrium)

9:00am Songwriters Etiquette and outline for the day - PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME!

What is expected of you and your co-writers, also a brief run-down of the day’s events

10:00-4:00pm Songwriting

You will be divided into pre-determined groups of 3 or 4 and have the day to write your song. You will be given topics and or titles to choose from to help you get started. Our mentors will circulate to each group to guide and inspire you. Buffet lunch will be available at noon and groups can break as they wish.

3:30-5:30pm Recording & Stage Rehearsal

Once you are finished your song; you will record your song with Rylan & team and then have a song run through on the main stage in the NWP Gymnasium with Sherry & team. We will not sound check; but you will get a chance to rehearse on stage! You do not necessarily have to do these two things in this order.

5:30-6:30pm Supper Break

Supper is on your own to eat and get ready for the concert.

Please arrive back at the NWP Gym by 6:30pm

There will be designated seating for delegates where you will sit with your group until after you perform. Please respect the other performers by being QUIET during their song!