Holly Sorgen

Holly Sorgen is the Executive Director for Community Futures Grande Prairie & Region, working in this role since October 2005 and an employee of the organization since 1997.  Her passion lies with working with new and growing entrepreneurs. It is so exciting and satisfying to work with entrepreneurial people who are ready to take risks, to do the heavy lifting and to see something through from idea to implementation, even with all of the bumps and bruises that come along with starting a business. Holly has had her own side hustle since 2008, facilitating Economic Development training for EDA Alberta, leading her own FEmpower Up Mastermind group for female entrepreneurs and providing high level strategic planning and business planning for businesses and non profits.

Holly’s job is about connecting dots – to connect clients to the people, resources, information, and money they need to make a new venture successful. I do not know everything, but I do know someone who knows what I do not and that to me is invaluable. Motivational Speaker, Jim Rohn famously said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. I aspire to surround myself with people who are smarter than I am in any number of areas. As entrepreneurs we need to do the same. Legendary CFL Football Player, Michael “Pinball” Clemons said in a recent talk he made in Grande Prairie, “If you are the smartest person in the room, then that is your own fault…”